Client Love - What our clients experience while working with us!
Over the years, we have received so much love from our clients! When they are happy, we are happy! Our clients’ achievement in feeling better is the reason WHY we do what we do!
It fills our heart with joy to hear when they have reached new milestones on their journey to a healthier lifestyle!
So often, we have shed a tear when we witness great break-throughs! From weight loss to reversing chronic lifestyle diseases, to feeling in control around sugar and feeling at ease around food so they can finally enjoy balanced eating habits!
THANK YOU… to all of our clients (our ‘Puricious family’ as we call them) for ALL OF YOUR LOVE, YOUR TRUST, and the CHANCE TO HAVE SHARED YOUR JOURNEY IN LIFE TOGETHER!!! Thank you from the bottom of our heart! We love you!!
Sabine is absolutely amazing. She is incredibly passionate about what she is doing, she truly cares about her clients and manages to create an environment of trust and safety that enables you to truly open up and get to the root-causes of your issues. And at no moment in time she makes you feel bad, on the contrary! She found a perfect mix between sharing knowledge based on scientific research and her extensive client experience and very practical tips for every day life. Especially the 1:1 coaching calls very extremely valuable.
Before joining the program, I was struggling with emotional eating when being stressed and feeling insecure, ignoring worries and negative emotions. Since joining the program, I have much better awareness of my emotions, treating my “ negative” emotions as valuable source of information rather than an enemy, awareness on coping mechanisms, new habits & almost no emotional eating anymore. The most interesting insight I got during the program was how complex our minds and bodies are and that we need to approach things holistically (e.g. what role hormons play and also how we talk to ourselves). And that how we feel about food determines strongly whether we gain weight or not, that was something I was not at all aware of. I now deal with negative emotions better, minimise emotional eating, stabilise my weight.
Nicole, Switzerland
“‘I liked the practical tips and Sabine’s energy - & happy dance!’”
“Sabine’s 10 day sugar program was a game changer for me and my health. I cannot recommend it enough. To be honest, I thought I could never do it for the longest time. The sweet treat after lunch and dinner seemed impossible to skip. Eating a lot of veggies and being very aware of health and wellbeing, however, my addiction to sugar always disturbed me. I have known about Sabine’s program for quite a while, more than a year to be frank, when I finally took the decision to just do it and let go of my fear of „failure“ of not making it. My boyfriend was immediately on board. Just after a couple of days I thought „why haven’t I done this earlier???“. Sabine’s guide and recipes made it sooo easy. Yes, I missed the sweet something after lunch, but I just felt so much better and after a couple of days it was easier and easier not to have it. Also, Sabine’s tips and go to alternatives when having that craving for something sweet are incredible and helped a lot. The benefits started to show after two days - my skin improved, more energy, I felt lighter, the word that describes it best for me however is „clarity“ (difficult to really describe it, but clarity in just so many ways). I can only recommend the program 1000%. Sabine’s program is amazing and I am so grateful to have met her. She is outstanding with her expertise and knowledge. My boyfriend and I agreed to do this program 4 times a year.”
“Hello lovely!!! I feel very well and very happy to have done the sugar rehab program!!!! Let me start:
1. I reached the weight I wanted without starving! and I fit to some clothes that I thought I would never fit again!
2. Before the program I thought my energy level was at 4-5 but I can tell I have a higher energy level now and didn’t really miss anything of my previous eating / drinking habits… I also was much more careful in what I chose to eat and this came naturally to me… I wasn’t feeling having the fat and sugary things…. I didn’t even have any dessert!!!!
3. I quit my afternoon coffee!!! - I don’t need it anymore!!!!
4. I get up easier in the mornings!
5. My energy starts declining though around 22:30 - 23:00 which is normal and more healthy so I have to reschedule my evening plans… but that’s fine.
6. For now and hope it lasts, it became part of my life and I’m always more conscious about what I buy and what we all eat at home….
7. No more cravings….!!!!
Again VERY happy to have done it!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH MY DEAR!!!!! I am sending you lots of positive BIG HUGS & Lots of Love,❤️😘”
“‘Our employees are more energised and engaged. Thank you Marco and Sabine.’”
“I consider myself to be quite a healthy person. However, I put on weight when I eat and drink too many every now and then. In the past, I would follow a short diet to shed the extra kilos.
5 Years ago, this all changed. The diets did not work for me any longer. I kept on putting on weight and could not lose it anymore.
Every year, I would put on just a few kilos but, before I knew it, these had added up to 10 more kilos.
Sabine’s Set Yourself Free program seemed immediately the right solution. I really like her holistic approach in which she approaches your health from all different angles. By thoroughly reviewing my lifestyle, she helped me identify bad habits that I was not aware of. Although I call them ‘bad’ habits, I really appreciated that Sabine does not think like that at all. She approaches everything from a place of love. This is what helped me so much to stop feeling guilty about myself and my eating habits. Her positivity is contagious and motivated me to improve my lifestyle, without any pressure.
Besides losing the weight (4 kilo), I have so much more energy. I started working out again and walking much more often. This is what has helped so well for me and will help me reach my goal of losing the last 1-2 kilos to be at my ideal weight.
What I found very special about this program was the mental part. Especially during the private sessions with Sabine, these gave me a lot of valuable insights. This went so much beyond just advice on what to eat and drink!!
Every aspect is taken into consideration, also your mindset. Thanks to the positive and loving guidance from Sabine, I have become so inspired to continue making better choices - not only in terms of nutrition, but in general in life.
I am now continuously making progress and adjust immediately when I feel like I need to. My priority is to keep feeling this fit and energised.
I hope to inspire and support other people by sharing my experience with Sabine.”
“I did this [Sugar Rehab] program because I felt quite out of balance with my diet. On one hand, I was eating very healthy food but on the other hand I was eating 1 or 2 croissants or muffins per day - every day of the week. I would call myself a sugar addict... I started the program... and little by little it started to go very well. I now feel much lighter, much better, more confident, and I have less sugar cravings then before. I definitely recommend you to join the program. Marco and Sabine are great and you will feel much better - not only after the program but also during the program.”
“In the past I’ve been able to cut down on sugar and lose weight, but the bad habits always creep back and I was looking for something to help. Sabine is warm and caring and really helps reframe things so that a different perspective is achieved which really helps shift those bad habits. She is also very practical, working within the limits of the lifestyle you have! The short program I did helped me to respect myself and come from a place of loving and caring for my body...this was the shift I needed. I still have times when I want to consume sugary foods but now I can chose not to or have a lot less – just having some as a treat but recognising that having a lot is just not being kind to myself in the long run. Just by changing a few habits I have been consistently losing weight (without more exercise) and I am now confident that I can make this a permanent change, instead of falling back into old habits again. It puts a smile on my face! I will reach my goal weight slowly because I’m not using any will power or pressure on myself – just being more mindful and naturally getting back to a healthy weight.
The reason I highly recommend working with Sabine is that she takes a holistic approach in a practical & fun way but also a spiritual way and if that resonates with you, as it did with me, it can make all the difference. This about all of you, not just the physical you. Be nice to yourself and get started!”
Hi Sabine, thank you so much for your fun engagement & supporting us. I have lost 8kg thanks to your super recipes and this is only the start. We (Tanya & I) will keep going.
“Inzwischen verzichte ich schon über drei Wochen auf Zucker. Überraschenderweise habe ich auch kaum mehr Lust auf Süsses. Und wenn ich mal etwas esse, dann esse ich es viel bewusster und habe es mir auch wirklich verdient.
Bei den Produkten schaue ich nun immer die Etikette an. Immer wieder bin ich total überrascht, wo sich der Zucker versteckt. Dafür freue ich mich umso mehr, wenn ich etwas Zuckerfreies finde ;-)
Seit ich auf Zucker verzichte, habe ich viel mehr und vor allem konstante Energie. Die Energie-Achterbahnfahrt durch den Tag ist vorbei. Ich schlafe zudem viel besser und stehe am Morgen frisch und erholt auf. Meine Haut hat sich verbessert und ich habe 3kg abgenommen (jupiii:)). Der neue No-Sugar-Lifestyle gefällt mir sehr gut und ich werde damit auch nach der Challenge weitermachen.
Lieben Dank Sabine, für deine motivierende Unterstützung und die vielen guten Tipps bei der No-Sugar Challenge. Der Verzicht auf Zucker, das neue Körperbewusstsein sowie die neue unermüdliche Energie tut so gut. Vielen Dank.”
Dear Sabine, thank you very much for your support! I feel so much fitter and 4kg lighter! I have to try the sugar-free cheesecake recipe! Thank you and I wish you all the best!
“Before starting your program, I was frustrated that I could not lose the excess weight that I had gained over the last 2 years after my menopause. I could have never imagined the results you helped me achieve! My belly is no longer bloated, my stool is regular again, my energy level is stable throughout the day, my skin glows, and I no longer experience crazy cravings at night. Overall, I feel so much better and lighter! I am so happy with these changes! You really motivated me to keep going! I understand now how I can make myself feel better by taking care of myself. THANK YOU! I feel like a whole new person!”
The sugar free workshop was very interesting. Sabine has shared good tips and advice. Her excitement is impressive and contagious. Great kick-of workshop to a healthier start! (followed by the 10-day online Sugar Rehab program)
“Sabine is a very warm hearted, supportive and compassionate mentor. In working with her during my 6 month [Private 1:1] coaching program I felt completely safe as she helped me achieve the goals I set out for myself. With her support and guidance I have begun my journey of self-love which was my top priority during our sessions together! Since working with Sabine I have been able to honor myself by practicing self care techniques (without feeling guilty about it!) and by giving myself permission to appreciate all of my achievements as she so often pointed out in our sessions.”
“I have become much more aware of my eating habits. As a result, I feel much better and more energetic. Marco and Sabine thank you so much for everything. I recommend this [Set Yourself Free] program to everyone!”
“Sabine is a wonderful health nutritionist – her energy is contagious and her passion is extraordinary. Sabine does coaching and also travels the world spreading her message about sugar. She became a star of Swiss TV earlier this year and her last international event in Bangkok! She recently qualified as a yoga teacher. I am thankful that she got me back on track with my eating habits!”
“Liebe Sabine, so schön von dir zu lesen! Vielen Dank für die guten Wünsche und mir geht es super! Nach den ersten Entzugs-Symtomen - echt krass - geht es mir super. Ich fühle mich richtig gut; entspannt und ausgeglichen. Mein Geschmackssinn hat sich extrem verändert - so schnell hätte ich echt nicht gedacht! Am WE wurde mir ein Glas Prosecco hingestellt... schmeckt mir gar nicht mehr. Sogar mein Partner - er trainiert für den Jungfrau-Marathon macht mit 😀 er war süchtig nach Süssem... jetzt liebt er die Muffins und Bananen/Haferkekse!! Tauschend Dank für die tollen Menu-Ideen, Tipps und jetzt noch die Schoggi. Reisirup, Cacau Butter und Cashewmus habe ich am WE gekauft - nun wage ich mich an die Kreation. Dir auch einen ganz schönen und erholsamen Abend!”
Kyung, Zurich, Switzerland - Sugar workshop & Sugar Rehab program
“Liebe Sabine, vielen Dank für das tolle Gespräch und die super Hilfestellung. Der Tag war schön, ich konnte viel in dem Gefühl der Energie bleiben. Ich habe mir gerade Zeit genommen um ein wenig zu üben. Es ging ein wenig, ich würde aber am liebsten tägliches Coaching haben um viel schneller weiter zu kommen. Mir fehlt noch ein wenig (sehr) deine Energie und Anleitung. Ich werde sicherlich gerne mich wieder bei dir melden, es war eine große Freude dich und deine unglaubliche Freude kennen zu lernen.
Vielen Dank
mit vielen lieben Grüßen”