Join the Sugar Awareness Movement!


We all know that sugar is not good for us. Besides posing a serious health threat, sugar is the #1 obstacle to achieving a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


What most people do not know: there is (hidden) sugar in almost everything we buy. It is very difficult to recognize sugar because of the 45 different names used.


Yes, there are >45 different names for sugar!


We are so happy that we are not a sugar junkies anymore. It was really a struggle to change, it almost felt like an addiction of my body.


Paired with the wide spread echo of our Sugar Rehab Program, repeatedly asked by their clients and friends, we decided to go all out now and created for you the



#FreeFromSugar #DitchSugarTogether


Just at the right time: in summer we tend to consume even MORE sugary soft drinks, frappuccinos, fruit juices, and ice creams … you name it.

This is why the SUGAR AWARENESS WEEK from 17 - 24 June 2017 is an 8-day FREE Education Program packed with facts about sugar and its effects on our health from various different angles.


What do you get?

  • Delicious sugar-free recipes

  • Inspirational stories from real people

  • Advice from experts

  • Quizzes, free give-aways

  • ... and lots of interviews and information


Join this WEEK OF INSPIRATION to reduce our sugar intake with Puricious' effective step-by-step methods.


SIGN UP NOW to get access to everything we prepared for you!


'If I had only one more day to live, I would spend it informing everyone about the impact of (hidden) sugar on their health.' Sabine



Jamie Oliver about Sugar

Want to know which country consumes the most sugar per capita?

Dr. Joseph Mercola about sugar addiction



Join the SUGAR AWARENESS WEEK here ...

About Marco & Sabine Orbello, Sports Nutritionist and Holistic Health Coach, founders of Puricious Health Coaching.

It is their mission to help people learn to listen to the voice of their bodies, how to boost their energy so they can truly enjoy life again. They do that through guiding people step-by-step to a healthier lifestyle.

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